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HIPAA Policy & Patient Bill Of Rights

Effective Date: April 1, 2003


Understanding your health record

A record is made each time you visit a hospital, physician, or other health care provider. Your symptoms, examination and test results, diagnoses, treatment, and a plan for future care are recorded. This information is most often referred to as your “health or medical record,” and serves as a basis for planning your care and treatment. It also serves as a means of communication among any and all other health professional who may contribute to your care. Understanding what information is retained in your record and how that information may be used will help you to ensure its accuracy, and enable you to relate to who, what, when, where, and why others may be allowed access to your health information. This effort is being made to assist you in making informed decisions before authorizing the disclosure of your medical information to others. Use or disclosure of your health information will follow the more stringent of State or Federal laws.

Understanding your health information rights

Your health record is the physical property of the health care practitioner or facility that compiled it but the content is about you, and therefore belongs to you. You have the right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of your information, and to request amendments be made to your health record. Your rights include being able to review or obtain a paper copy of your health information, and to be given an account of all disclosures. You may also request communications of your health information be made by alternative means or to alternative locations. Other than activity that has already occurred, you may revoke any further authorizations to use or disclose your health information.

Our responsibilities: This office is required to maintain the privacy of your health information and to provide you with notice of our legal commitment and privacy practices with respect to the information we collect and maintain about you. This office is required to abide by the terms of this notice and to notify you if we are unable to grant your requested restrictions or reasonable desires to communicate your health information by alternative means or to alternative locations.

This office reserves the right to change its practices and effect new provisions that enhance the privacy standards of all patient medical information. In the event that changes are made, this office will notify you at the current address provided on your medical file. If applicable, this office will post changes on our web site that provides information about our customer service and/or benefits.

Other than for reasons described in this notice, this office agrees not to use or disclose your health information without your authorization.

To receive additional information or report a problem

For further explanation of this notice you may contact Jennifer Hurd at 707-522-6200.

If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you have the right to file a complaint with this office by contacting the individual above, or by contacting the Secretary of Health and Human Services, with no fear of retaliation by this office.

Your health information will be used for treatment, payment, and health care operations.

Treatment – Information obtained by your health practitioner in this office will be recorded in your medical record and used to determine the course of treatment that should work best for you. This consists of your physician recording his/her own expectations and those of others involved in providing you care. The sharing of your health information may progress to others involved in your care, such as specialty physicians or lab technicians.

Payment – Your health care information will be used in order to receive payment for services rendered by this office. A bill may be sent to either you or a third-party payer with accompanying documentation that identifies you, your diagnosis, procedures performed and supplies used.

Health Care Operations – The medical staff in this office will use your health information to assess the care you received and the outcome of your case compared to others like it. Your information may be reviewed for risk management or quality improvement purposes in our efforts to continually improve the quality and effectiveness of the care and services we provide.

Understanding our office policy for specific disclosures

NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES AVAILABILITY: The terms described in this notice will be posted where registration occurs. All individuals receiving care will be given a hard copy.

Bill of Rights

Your Rights and Our Responsibilities

You have a right to:

Considerate and respectful care.

The collaborative nature of health care requires that a patient (and their family members/guardian and/or Personal Representative) participate in their care. The effectiveness of care and patient satisfaction depends, in part, on the patient fulfilling certain responsibilities. You are responsible for providing information about past illnesses, hospitalization, medications, and other matters related to your health. To participate effectively in decision-making, you must take responsibility for requesting additional information or clarification about your condition or treatment when you do not fully understand information and/or instructions. You are also responsible for informing your health care professionals if you anticipate problems following the prescribed treatment or post-operative care.

You should be aware of the Center’s obligation to be reasonable, efficient and equitable in proving care to other patients and the community; the Center’s policies and standard operating procedures are designed to fulfill this obligation. You are responsible for making reasonable accommodations for the needs of other patients, the professional staff and employees of the Center. You are responsible for proving necessary information for insurance claims and working with the Center to make payment arrangements, when necessary.

Your vision depends on much more than the health care you receive at the Center. As a result, you are responsible for recognizing the impact of your lifestyle on the health of your eyes and vision.

Changes to this Notice

By law, we must abide by the terms of the Privacy Practices; however, we reserve the right to change our Privacy Practices and/or this Notice. If we revise this Notice, the new Notice will be effective for all the medical information we maintain. Any new Notices will be available by accessing the website,, requesting that a copy be sent to you in the mail or asking for a copy at the time of your next appointment or visit.

Personal Representative

Your Personal Representative may exercise your rights on your behalf. A Personal Representative may include your guardian if you are a minor, lack decision-making capacity or are legally incompetent, or a person you have authorized to act on your behalf as specified in a written document (such as a power of attorney).

For More Information or to Report a Complaint

If you have questions or would like more information about this notice, you may contact the Privacy Officer at 3540 Mendocino Ave. Suite 200, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a written complaint with the Privacy Officer or the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. We will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint.

Online Privacy Policy

Our site collects cookie and site usage data to both track which pages our users visit and identify specific actions taken on the site. This information is used by us to identify conversions and to provide targeted advertising in the future (known as remarketing).

Information about the pages you visit may be transferred to third parties, including Google and its affiliates, to be utilized by their AdWords advertising network via the Doubleclick Cookie.

This information is never sold to other third parties and is only provided to Google for LaserVue’s marketing purposes.

If you do not wish to receive remarketing advertising from LaserVue, you can visit the DoubleClick opt-out page or the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.

You may alter other Google ad settings and opt out of tracking on your Google Ads Settings page.

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