YAG Laser Capsulotomy
Posterior Capsular Haze
After cataract surgery, many patients at some time experience blurred, hazy vision or glare at night. This is known as posterior capsular haze and may occur months or even years after your surgery. It is not a “secondary cataract”, but more like a haze on the capsule, or bag, that held the natural lens which can again cause symptoms of blurred vision. Fortunately, a simple treatment called a YAG laser capsulotomy can be performed to create an opening in the film in order to restore normal vision.
If you’re experiencing any of these problems after your cataract surgery, Dr. Bansal will first do a thorough exam to rule out other possible reasons for your vision loss.

Simple and Painless Procedure
What can I expect to happen if I decide to have a laser capsulotomy?
Laser capsulotomy does not require going to the operating room and nor does it involve any incisions into the eye. It only takes a few minutes and is painless. The only anesthesia you will need are some eyedrops, which are the same as the eyedrops you receive during a routine eye exam.
Your vision will improve very quickly after the procedure. You do not have to alter your usual activities. The procedure is extremely safe. Very rarely complications do occur and they should be discussed with your ophthalmologist before undergoing the procedure.
How will I know if I need a laser capsulotomy?
If you feel that your vision has become worse since your cataract surgery, and you cannot do the things you need or like to do because your eyesight has changed, then you should consider an evaluation at LaserVue Eye Center. Our doctors will do a full eye exam to determine whether a laser capsulotomy would improve your vision.
During the capsulotomy, the eye is dilated and a laser quickly removes the hazy capsule behind the intraocular lens (IOL) implant. The whole process takes five minutes and is painless.
In fact, patients may go back to their normal activities the same day and should expect their vision to improve within hours. Dr. Bansal usually prescribes using anti-inflammatory eyedrops for the first three days. In rare cases, complications of increased intraocular pressure and retinal detachment have been known to occur. You should anticipate seeing some “floaters” for a few weeks following surgery. As with any eye procedure, you should contact our office immediately if your vision worsens or fails to improve.
Our Cataract Surgery & YAG Laser treatment facility is located in Santa Rosa.
Try our cataract self-evaluation to see if cataract surgery in Santa Rosa might be a good option for you.
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