Posted by: LaserVue LASIK & Cataract Center in Category: LASIK

There’s always tomorrow. We’ve got plenty of time. Tomorrow is another day. Eh, it’ll be fiiiiiine.
These are the procrastinator mantras. You can hear them echo across college campuses, office bullpens and dilapidated apartment buildings everywhere. Anytime something needs to get done, a procrastinator is ready to put it off one more day. And another after that. And dealing with a contacts prescription is no exception.
Here are five contact obligations procrastinators will have a very hard time taking care of.

1. Getting contacts to begin with
The rest of this is all based on the assumption that said procrastinator did not put off getting his or her eyes checked for years and actually has a contact lens prescription. But if this is you, you are an epic, EPIC procrastinator. Well done, sir or ma’am.

2. Updating that prescription on an appropriately regular basis
You have no excuse. It’s covered by your eye insurance. Scheduling one checkup a year is so easy. But have you done it?

3. Ordering new contacts
Did you know you actually have to order new contacts? That’s right, they don’t just show up on your bathroom counter on their own. Go figure.

4. Buying contact solution before you run out
Can’t you hear a little more swishing around in the bottom of the bottle? Eh, maybe not. But whatever, you’ll get it tomorrow, or the day after that at latest. Maybe you can just use tap water in the meantime.
(Seriously, don’t use tap water.)

5. Taking your contacts out before bed
Brushing your teeth, washing your face and taking out your contacts. All things that are just too difficult for the procrastinator at bedtime. W/e ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you’re over all the steps and stuff and things and to-dos that come with contacts, maybe it’s time to simplify. Maybe it’s time to make an appointment today (for real though, today. Seriously, our number is (800) 527-3745. We’re making this literally so easy for you) and ask about LASIK. Or you can fill out the form below to get in touch with us and learn more about LASIK. We’ll respond as soon as possible!
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