Why Do I Need to Have Routine Eye Exams?
Vision care is important, for many eye diseases and problems have no symptoms. As an experienced ophthalmologist and LASIK/Cataract surgeon in San Francisco Bay Area, Dr. Bansal is able to provide treatment for a range of vision problems. The technology available at LaserVue Eye Center in San Francisco, Santa Rosa, and Mountain View enables early detection of eye conditions that may be treatable to prevent vision loss. Half of all Americans have some sort of vision problem. Routine eye exams on a regular basis can not only improve your vision, but can also detect diseases early – many of which have no warning signs, like glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy. Routine exams can save your sight. You may be at higher risk of vision problems if you:
How Often Should I Have My Eyes Checked?
Based on your age, the American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends the following eye exams:
A child’s first eye exam should be ages 3-5 years old.
We recommend that your child’s first eye exam should occur before entering kindergarten, or by age 5. From that point on, your child should receive a comprehensive eye exam at least every two years. In-school screenings are helpful but do not substitute for an eye exam.
Routine vision care for middle age people (20 – 39):
Adults who wear eyeglasses or contact lenses must see their optometrist every year in order to keep their prescriptions current. Adults with pre-existing medical conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, high blood pressure, diabetes and other chronic illness should also have their vision checked annually. Adults who don’t require corrective lenses can go two to three years between vision screenings as long as they aren’t experiencing vision or eye problems.
Eye Exams at 40 years of age:
Eye exams at age 40 to screen for age-related eye diseases such as cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma and presbyopia. This screening can also detect early signs of diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases. After this screening, adults with no eye conditions or corrective lenses should see their eye doctor every year or two for routine vision checks.
Routine eye exams over the age of 65:
We will check for vision changes, eye diseases and other conditions that may affect the eyes in our offices in San Francisco, Santa Rosa, and Mountain View. A comprehensive eye exam will usually include glaucoma and cataract testing. During your exam you may wish to bring someone with you to drive you home. When dilation of the eye occurs the sensitivity to light will make your near vision blurry for several hours.
At LaserVue Eye Center we provide quality eye exams as well as LASIK and cataract surgery in Santa Rosa and San Francisco. Please call 1.800.527.3745 to schedule your appointment today.