Posted by: LaserVue LASIK & Cataract Center in Uncategorized

After a great 4th of July weekend in our beautiful Bay Area, I returned to work on Monday and spoke with a patient who did not enjoy my enthusiasm. She told me how she originally had a great weekend planned that included spending some time at the beach enjoying water sports with friends and family. (Click below to read on…)
What she didn’t plan for was to lose her contacts her first trip out on the jet skis with no back-ups and no glasses. I don’t blame her though, who thinks about grabbing an extra pair of lenses on your way to the beach.
With her lenses gone, she spent the rest of the day squinting her way around; no longer able to enjoy the water sports she had been looking forward to. At the end of the day down two contacts and up one big headache, she decided it was finally time to get LASIK.
Have you ever been caught in a similar situation? I hear so many times from patients who missed enjoying water activities because they only had three options, none of which were ideal: 1.) Wear contacts with the hopes no water would be splashed in your face; 2.) Wear glasses but have to deal with wiping the water off the lenses constantly and certainly all real activities are out of the question; 3.) Go without either and we all know how much fun it can be to not see.
So next time you find yourself in this situation, don’t forget about option 4.) iLASIK at LaserVue Eye Center!
Jay Bansal, M.D.