Posted by: LaserVue LASIK & Cataract Center in Vision Correction Questions

Are you having trouble trying to focus on objects close-up? Do you hold phones, newspapers, or books at arms-length in order to read them? Are you over the age of… (ahem) 40? Then you may be suffering from Presbyopia. (Don’t worry. Most of us will, too)
What is Presbyopia?
First off, most people will experience Presbyopia in their lives. Simply put, it is a part of the aging process and our eyes, like the rest of our bodies, begin to go at some point. When we’re young, the eye’s lens is soft and flexible and constantly changing shape in order to switch focus on things both near and far. But as we age the lens begins to lose this flexibility and our eyes become less able to adjust to near objects and print; typically around age 40 and beyond. The symptoms of Presbyopia (inability to see up close, headache, eye strain, and visual fatigue) are often mistaken for farsightedness but these two afflictions have different causes and may require different treatments.
So what do you do? Most people do what we’ve always done; reach for the reading glasses, bifocals, or contact lens. This is generally an inexpensive remedy that many live with every day. And for the early onset of Presbyopia, they can certainly do the trick.
But what could you do when your Presbyopia advances and worsens? When glasses or contact lenses become a requirement or even a burden on your day to day activities?
Well, there are answers and there are options in the form of laser vision corrective services.
Your Options for Laser Vision Correction of Presbyopia
Option 1: Raindrop Near Vision Inlay
Specifically, the Raindrop Near Vision Inlay is a tiny corneal implant that is designed to closely resemble the human cornea. It works by reshaping the cornea, the front part of your eye, which helps to focus your vision on near objects.
The inlay is a tiny disc just 2.0 mm in diameter (a material similar to soft contact lenses) and is implanted through a LASIK laser-cut flap on the cornea. The procedure can take as little as 10 minutes and the eye will heal naturally without the need for any stitches or sutures. Recovery time is minimal and patients are usually able to return to work and daily activities within one day.
The Raindrop Near Vision Inlay is both safe and effective. The procedure was FDA-approved after extensive clinical trials which resulted in approximately 92 percent of patients achieving 20/40 vision.
Option 2: Monovision LASIK
While LASIK surgery cannot treat the root cause of Presbyopia (which is the aging process) a variation of LASIK can help reduce the need for glasses or bifocals.
Monovision LASIK is a technique where a LASIK surgeon fully corrects the distance vision of one eye, typically the dominant eye and purposefully makes the non-dominant eye slightly nearsighted. This is effective in treating near vision problems associated with Presbyopia because the slightly nearsighted eye can see near objects more clearly without glasses and the dominant eye can provide clearer distance vision. This can be a bit of a compromise though because while the two eyes still work together in tandem, distance vision isn’t as crisp as it would be without the added nearsightedness of the non-dominant eye. Many still find this tradeoff acceptable due to the improvement of their near vision. Furthermore, special-purpose glasses and contact lens can be prescribed to correct the nearsightedness, allowing for improved distance vision.
Option 3: Multifocal IOL (for those with cataracts)
Cataract removal is one the most common surgical procedures in the United States, primarily used to restore distance vision while post-surgery near vision is corrected with eyeglasses or contact lens. This leaves many people surprised; undergoing vision correction surgery while still requiring glasses or contacts. Enter Multifocal IOLs (Intraocular Lenses).
In many ways, IOLs are similar to multifocal contact lenses but where contacts rest on the surface of the eye, IOLs are surgically implanted in the eye and give patients a permanent and maintenance-free solution that won’t leave them dependent on glasses or regular contact lens.
Ready to take control of your Presbyopia?
If you have found your vision is in decline and want to do something about it, there is hope and there are options. When you’re ready to learn more, contact the experts at LaserVue Eye Center and schedule your consultation today.
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