Posted by: Jay Bansal, MD in Category: LASIK

Jay Bansal, MD

Do you want to stop depending on glasses and contact lenses? For those that qualify, LASIK is one of the best options.
It’s the most commonly performed vision correction procedure, and for a good reason. LASIK can give you total visual freedom from glasses and contact lenses.
The procedure is low risk and has a very high success rate, with over 95% of patients achieving 20/20 vision or better! Chances are, if you wear visual aids, you’ll see far better after LASIK.
You’ve undoubtedly heard of LASIK. But have you considered getting it yourself?
Maybe you’re unsure if LASIK is right for you or if you even qualify for the procedure as a candidate. You should know that most people with refractive errors are great candidates for LASIK.
Keep reading to learn about 7 signs that you may be a good LASIK candidate and don’t know it yet!
1. You’re Tired of Glasses

Glasses are the easiest way to correct your vision. Many people prefer glasses to contacts because they find contact lenses uncomfortable.
But glasses come with their fair share of annoyances. The lenses constantly get smudged and dirty, meaning they require cleaning to ensure you can see clearly.
Glasses will sometimes fog up due to temperature changes, and there’s nothing you can do but wait for them to clear up. They can also cause discomfort if you wear them with headgear, under sunglasses, or when taking a quick nap.
If you’re fed up with your glasses and don’t like contact lenses, it’s a sign that LASIK may be right for you. LASIK may even be right for you if you also wear contact lenses.
2. You’re Sick of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses do away with a lot of the issues associated with glasses. Many people find them more convenient, but they still have drawbacks.
For one thing, wearing contact lenses means changing them to keep your eyes comfortable. When you wear them too long, your eyes may feel dry and irritated or cause discomfort.
Contact lenses can still make your eyes feel dry even if you wear them correctly. Wearing contacts isn’t foolproof, either. You can lose one of your contacts just as easily as you can lose or break your glasses.
LASIK allows you to see without contact lenses or glasses, so you don’t have to choose the lesser of two evils. It’s an excellent option for anyone frustrated by wearing visual aids and ready to see with their own two eyes.
3. You Want to Save Money On Visual Aids

Not only can glasses and contacts be annoying, but they can also cost you a lot of money. LASIK may seem outside your budget, but it becomes more affordable with payment plans and financing.
The other difference? LASIK is a one-time expense. The procedure permanently changes your vision, so you’ll be able to see without contacts or glasses for years and years to come.
But when you wear contacts and glasses, you’ll need to buy more contacts every few months and new glasses every year or two. Those expenses add up.
Glasses and contact lenses can be so expensive that LASIK pays for itself in as little as two years. LASIK is the way to go if you want to make a wise long-term investment in your vision.
4. Your Prescription Hasn’t Changed in a While

If you’re nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism, you should have yearly eye exams to ensure your prescription is up to date. Your prescription can change a little over the years, but if it hasn’t changed in the last two years, it’s a good indication that it isn’t likely to change much in the future.
A stable prescription is a good sign that LASIK will be highly effective for you. LASIK alters your vision to correct your current refractive error.
If your eyes are still changing, you may not get the desired results, making LASIK less effective. But if your prescription is stable, it’ll be very effective, meaning you can look forward to decades of clear, unassisted vision!
5. You’re in Generally Good Health

To undergo any surgical procedure, you should be in reasonably good health with no medical conditions that may interfere with your ability to heal during recovery. You also shouldn’t have any eye conditions besides a refractive error.
But as long as you’re healthy, not pregnant or nursing, you may be a good candidate for LASIK. The only way to find out, though, is to schedule a LASIK consultation at LaserVue Eye Center in San Francisco, CA!
6. You’re in Your Mid to Late 20s

Technically, to undergo LASIK, you must be at least 18 years old. However, many LASIK surgeons recommend being in your mid to late twenties for better results.
LASIK has no upper age limit, although many age-related eye conditions may disqualify you from the procedure. You’ll also get the most out of the vision correction procedure if you’re younger, as LASIK cannot prevent age-related vision issues like presbyopia.
You’ll have more years of crisp, clear vision without needing reading glasses if you have LASIK while you’re still young. If you’re in your 20s, this is the perfect time to have LASIK!
7. You Have Realistic Expectations for Surgery

Do your research if you think you may be a good LASIK candidate. Know that LASIK isn’t a guaranteed cure-all for your vision.
Many patients have incredible vision after the procedure, but it isn’t guaranteed. There’s a good chance you’ll end up with 20/20 vision or better, but be prepared for anything.
While LASIK is low-risk, there is still the possibility of risk and complications. Be willing to discuss these potential risks and complications with your surgeon.
If you have reasonable expectations and qualify for other LASIK candidacy factors, you may be a great LASIK candidate! You need a complete LASIK evaluation to find out for sure.
Are you ready to find out if you are a good LASIK candidate? Schedule your LASIK consultation at LaserVue Eye Center in San Francisco, CA, now!