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A Comparative Guide of LASIK Vs. Contacts and Glasses
Every year, more than 700,000 people in America throw their prescription glasses and contact lenses away because they found a better alternative: LASIK laser eye surgery.
If you are tired of wearing eyeglasses or contacts and are considering vision correction surgery, our expert LASIK team is here to help! Read on for a comparative guide to laser vision correction versus prescription contact lenses and eyeglasses.
The Cost of LASIK vs Contacts and Glasses
Each year American’s spend, on average, $15 billion on eyewear to correct refractive errors. That’s not hard to believe, considering glasses get scratched, broken, and lost all the time. You always need to have a fresh pair of contacts on hand. And both glasses and contacts require constant prescription updates. No matter what, you’re looking at a recurring bill that just gets more expensive over time.
Our surgeons at LaserVue Eye Center aim to make LASIK vision correction procedures accessible to everyone. This is why we offer financing options and affordable payment plans to all our Bay Area patients. Money should never be the deciding factor in your vision correction journey. We want to work with your unique budget and find a monthly plan that best suits your needs.
Read our full blog, “How Much Does LASIK Eye Surgery Cost?”, to learn more about the true cost of LASIK.
The Convenience of LASIK vs Contacts and Glasses
Glasses and contacts can hinder so many popular hobbies and activities. Simple daily exercises or fun sports require special prescription goggles so they don’t fall off or break while you participate.
Most LASIK patients report noticeably improved vision almost immediately following their surgery. After the procedure, you are able to return to normal daily activities including light exercise within a couple of days, free from glasses or contacts.
The Safety of LASIK vs Contacts and Glasses
Risks of wearing glasses are very minimal — the most common side effect being headaches caused by new or incorrect prescriptions. There are, however, multiple risks associated with wearing contacts; some serious enough to lead to blindness. Eye infections, corneal abrasions, and even corneal ulcers are common issues that arise when contacts are not properly used or cared for.
LASIK laser eye surgery is among the safest vision correction procedures available today. This is a 100% blade-free surgery that heals naturally without bandages or stitches. Advanced laser technology and expert care make LASIK surgery one of the most successful and risk-free procedures on the market.
The Timing of LASIK vs Contacts and Glasses
The timeline associated with vision problems is usually a long one. Six out of ten people in their forties start to experience vision changes after years of seeing 20/20. These statistics indicate the likelihood of most people depending on eyeglasses for over 50 years of their lives. As your vision gets worse, the time spent compensating for it increases.
LASIK is a quick out-patient procedure that offers great long term vision correction solutions. The surgery itself averages 15 to 30 minutes and requires very little downtime. You should be able to return to work, drive normally and even perform light exercise within just a couple days of your surgery.
Visit The Bay Area’s Most Trusted LASIK Doctor
Dr. Jay Bansal has performed over 25,000 successful LASIK procedures. His dedication to his patients and expertise in the field of refractive surgery is what makes him one of the Bay Area’s leading LASIK eye doctors.
If you are considering starting your vision correction journey, the entire staff at LaserVue Eye Center is here to support you. Call or contact us online to learn more or to schedule a free LASIK eye surgery consultation today.